Textile Art in the Graeco-Roman World, 26th-27th September 2019
The provisional programme for our 2019 CARC workshop, kindly supported by Jean-David Cahn and Tony Michaels, is now available. Textile Art in the Graeco-Roman World will focus on the visual imagery of ancient textiles from Archaic Greece to late antiquity, asking questions about a fundamentally important art tradition which we glimpse through extraordinary chance survivals and representations in other media. Subjects will have a wide chronological and geographical range, but will revolve around a shared set of art-historical and archaeological questions.
This international workshop will take place in Oxford on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September 2019. All are welcome and attendance is free, but booking is necessary. Please book now by emailing carc@classics.ox.ac.uk
Download the draft abstract here.
Download the draft programme here. Please check the latest version for updates and time changes.
We will be live-webcasting the workshop and putting most of the edited recordings online afterwards. Click here to view.
Poster Session
Textile Finds from the Rhineland, First to Fourth Centuries AD: Roman Customs and Fashion in the North of the Empire - Dr Petra Linscheid (University of Bonn)
Student Bursary Opportunity
We are delighted this year to be able to offer two student bursaries for this workshop. These are intended to support undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled on University programmes or due to start by October 2019. Each bursary covers up to £100 in support of travel and accommodation expenses.
Please apply by emailing carc@classics.ox.ac.uk with a letter of no more than 500 words including an estimate of costs. The closing date for applications is noon on Monday 2nd September and successful applicants will be notified shortly after this time. Payment will be made after the event on submission of receipts (please note that reimbursement can take up to six weeks).
Image: second-century AD painted linen shroud from Roman Egypt. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (CC0 licence).