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Gem: 606, Head of bearded man (Zeus?), dress at the neck.


Gem: 2, Zeus standing frontally, naked but for a cloak over his shoulder, holding spear and thunderbolt; his eagle at his feet. Short ground line.


Gem: 267, Head of Zeus Ammon.


Gem: 2, Portrait (profile left): Claudius (?). Zeus, laureate, holding thunderbolt and spear, the aegis around his waist and lower arm, an eagle before him.


Gem: 393, Frontal head of Zeus Serapis.


Gem: 116, Frontal bust of Zeus Serapis.


Gem: 117, Frontal bust of Zeus Serapis.


Gem: 595, Zeus Serapis enthroned frontally, holding a sceptre, his eagle on the ground. Ground line.


Gem: 596, Head of Zeus Serapis.


Gem: 597, Radiate Jupiter-Serapis enthroned between Isis holding a sistrum, and Minerva holding a Victory who crowns her, within a summary zodiac disc which is carried by a kneeling Atlas.


Gem: 268, Confronted heads of Zeus Serapis and Isis, holding a sistrum.


Gem: 350, Profile heads of Zeus laureate and Hera.


Gem: 3, Three-quarter head of Zeus.


Gem: 466, Bust of Zeus with dress at the neck. A bevelled border cut in the upper layer.


Gem: 598, Zeus, with thunderbolt and spear, in a quadriga riding over two snake-legged giants, one armed with a club; ground beneath the chariot wheels.


Gem: 425, Europa with flying dress riding the Bull, astride, holding a horn; waves below.


Gem: 683, Leda, naked, seated on her dress and rocks, embracing the Swan. Initial P (Pichler?).


Gem: 32, Leda standing, dress flying behind her, embracing the Swan by her side, standing on a rock. Ground line.


Gem: 33, Leda with dress around her legs, embracing the Swan, standing on a low tree by her side. Ground line.


Gem: 676, The Zeus eagle lifting Ganymede who holds an arrow. Inscribed KOIMOU (a signature of Natter).


Gem: 677, Head of Ganymede with a small eagle in the field. By Burch (signed).


Gem: 497, The head of a youth with long ringlets wearing a Phrygian cap, its side flaps tucked under the folded crown.


Gem: 27, Ganymede seated on rocks, his dress around his legs, feeding the eagle from a bowl; a tree behind it. Ground line.


Gem: 281, A woman frontal, holding a sceptre and a bell? Short ground line.


Gem: 138, Poseidon standing on the prow of a ship holding a dolphin and trident. Ground line; inscribed below, CL.SVP.


Gem: 599, Poseidon standing with trident, holding a dolphin, one foot on rocks, beside which another dolphin. Ground line.


Gem: 402, Poseidon with trident, his foot on a rock on which stands a jug.


Gem: 601, Head and three-quarter back bust of a bearded god, with hair band, cloak over shoulder.


Gem: 180, A beardless wreathed man holding a trident and a nymph with dress around her legs are riding a sea horse. Rocks? and waves at the sides and below. Originally identified as perhaps Antony and Cleopatra, probably regarded as Poseidon and Amphitrite when it was made.


Gem: 719, Grotesque bearded head (gryllus?) with hair treated rather like a wing.


Gem: 684, A Nereid, half-naked with dress flying over her head, seated on the foreparts of two dolphins facing in opposite directions, holding the bridle of a hippocamp. In the background, a spear. Said by the Duke to be by Natter.


Gem: 179, A naked Nereid holding a stylis seated on a Triton, wrapped around her, her hand at his neck. The Triton wears a horned-animal skin (a griffin?). A small naked boy 'with windblown hair' (Beazley) holds the Triton's tail.


Gem: 360, A bearded Triton carrying a naked Nereid, her dress behind her. Beyond, a bearded draped figure on a horse or hippocamp. Rocks and waves.


Gem: 169, Herakles reclining on his lionskin, holding a hemispherical cup.

No Image

Gem: 316, A reclining river god with an urn; feet missing.


Gem: 582, Head of Demeter, veiled, with a wreath of poppies.


Gem: 357, Frontal bust of Demeter, veiled.


Gem: 19, Portrait (profile right): Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger (Arundel); Livia and Germanicus (King). Demeter seated holding a cornucopia. Before her Triptolemos offers her ears of wheat, leaning on a two-pronged implement. In the background an urn on a column. Ground line. King suggested an association with Livia and Germanicus.


Gem: 656, Bust of Abundantia with corn in her hair, holding a cornucopia of flowers and poppy heads, with corn stalks emerging.


Gem: 657, Fides, standing, with ears of corn and a full patera; an ant holding an ear of corn beside her. Short ground line.


Gem: 403, A naked figure of Bonus Eventus frontal, holding a patera and two ears of corn. Short ground line.


Gem: 140, Wreathed Bonus Eventus with ears of corn and grapes. Animal skin at back. Short ground line. Cut style.


Gem: 282, Portrait (profile left): Cleopatra I Syra (?). Bust of Isis with dress at shoulders, wearing a crescent crown, with long ringlets.


Gem: 658, Isis standing, wearing uraeus headdress, high-girt, holding staff and ankh. Short ground line.


Gem: 659, Isis enthroned, wearing a crown, suckling Horus. Ground line. Engraved face.


Gem: 660, Two-sided. Head of Isis wearing the vulture crown (the head not shown) and pectoral. On the reverse a temple facade with winged disc below points in the pediment; two prostyle lotus columns, disc with uraei on the lintel, a facing Hathor head with pectoral, on a beaded base in the doorway in a border of discs and lines, threshold of rosettes and lines.


Gem: 395, Bust of Apollo, with hair band.


Gem: 269, Bust of laureate Apollo with long curly hair, laurel sprig in field.


Gem: 118, Bust of Apollo, with laurel wreath and laurel? branch before the bust.


Gem: 120, Apollo, wreathed, with cloak at back, walking on tiptoe playing the lyre. Ground line.


Gem: 121, Apollo with kithara, in long dress. Ground line. Surface heavily polished


Gem: 605, Apollo Belvedere type, the left hand holding a scroll. Ground line.


Gem: 123, Apollo? frontal, with crossed legs, one hand (holding fruit?) to his head or hair, leaning on a tree trunk on which is spread a chlamys which he holds behind him. Ground line.


Gem: 602, Head of Apollo with head band, long corkscrew curls.


Gem: 394, Naked, crowned Apollo tuning his lyre, his cloak at his back, a tree beside him. The lyre box decorated with arcs and pellets. Thick ground line.


Gem: 603, A naked Apollo in profile, holding out a bow and arrow. Ground line.


Gem: 122, Apollo frontal, dress around legs, holding a kithara, beside a wreathed altar.


Gem: 697, A naked youth with a modius? headdress, frontal, holding a cup?; before him a lyre resting against a tree with a bird in it, behind him a tree with a bird, a woman's mask on the trunk; a hind suckling a child (Telephos?). Ground line.


Gem: 421, A youth with his chlamys over his arms is leaning on a tree on which which hangs a ribbon; the tree's roots are shown among rocks. He is looking down at a figure, not certainly a woman (short hair) bare to the waist, seated on the ground, supported on a conical shield. Behind is a rocky feature on which a bird stands, its head bent down.


Gem: 467, Laureate bust of Apollo.

No Image

Gem: 468, Laureate head of Apollo.


Gem: 314, Laureate head of Apollo.


Gem: 567, Head of a youth wearing a fillet.


Gem: 155, Bust of a woman, probably Clio, holding a scroll. Her hair is bound in a fillet, and at the neck.


Gem: 604, Bust of a Apollo? with long locks.


Gem: 662, Melpomene, heavily belted; she holds a sword? and a female mask; behind her, an Ionic column. Ground line.


Gem: 182, Melpomene (?), heavily belted; she holds a bearded mask; on the ground a shield with a head device, and a sword; behind her a Tuscan column with wreath. Ground line.


Gem: 504, Three-quarter head of Medusa, wings in hair, snakes at chin.


Gem: 348, Bust of a woman, her dress slipping from her shoulder. Inscribed in Greek SAPH[O (probably modern); a lyre and a bee in the field.


Gem: 156, Head of Artemis wearing a coronet, dress at the neck, her quiver at her shoulder.


Gem: 581, Head of a woman, her hair dressed high.


Gem: 640, Standing Artemis, wearing a peplos, holding a bow and an arrow. A column behind her. Short ground line.


Gem: 154, Artemis, fully dressed, with quiver at shoulder, leaning on a short column or placing something on it, a stag before it.


Gem: 411, Artemis in short dress, quiver at shoulder, standing before rocks and leaning on a column, holding a downturned torch over a rocky altar. Inscribed in Greek APOLLONIOU.


Gem: 398, A man (Hephaistos?) making a helmet. He is seated on a wreathed altar and his anvil is of similar form. He raises a hammer. Behind it, two spears, one inverted. Dress around his shoulders and leg, the helmet is crested. Ground line.


Gem: 132, Hephaistos' workshop. He is kneeling on a cut tree, naked but for a skin cap, with raised hammer. He holds an object (corselet?) with tongs on a low round anvil decorated with swags, while four naked youths also beat with hammers, and a bearded man with a skin cap also raises a hammer, while holding the object steady and working a foot-bellows? Below, implements - hammer, tongs. Above, a crescent within crescents. Ground line.


Gem: 399, Wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Hephaistos, standing, in short dress, handing a sword and a shield (with cross-hatched brim) to Peleus, seated with dress round his waist on a backless throne. Beyond is Thetis, standing veiled. Inscribed in Greek on Peleus' low footrest ADMON.


Gem: 642, Bust of Athena in Corinthian helmet, dress over shoulders.


Gem: 410, A copy of the famous gem signed by Eutyches, now in Berlin (FG 2305; Antike Gemmen in Deutschen Sammlungen II, 456), the last line of the inscription slightly damaged in making a bevel for the setting. There had been speculation that this stone is the original. It shows the frontal bust of Athena, wearing an ornate Corinthian helmet and aegis. The original was made in the 1st cent. BC.


Gem: 159, Bust of Athena in an Attic helmet, with aegis and gorgoneion.


Gem: 160, The bust of Athena wearing a helmet with a bearded head decorating the forepart, and an aegis with winged Medusa head.


Gem: 319, Bust of Athena in Attic helmet, wearing aegis with Medusa head.

No Image

Gem: 18, Bust of Athena to right.


Gem: 490, Bust of Athena (?), wearing a scale corselet; Corinthian helmet decorated with a snake.


Gem: 16, Bust of Athena (?) with a mask and vine on her helmet.


Gem: 320, Bust of Athena (?) wearing a corselet; a mask on her helmet with a feather crest; a grotesque head as epaulette.

No Image

Gem: 489, Bust of Athena to left.


Gem: 641, Athena Promachos on tiptoe, with Corinthian helmet, raised spear and shield. A crescent behind her in the field. Short ground line.


Gem: 492, Athena with helmet, spear and long dress, an owl on her oval shield. Signed PICHLER.


Gem: 643, Athena with spear upright, Corinthian helmet and shield, standing in a small chariot drawn by two owls. Ground line.


Gem: 644, A warrior with helmet, shield and spear, sacrifices to Athena over a burning altar; she holds an owl on a wreath, a spear and shield, a rearing snake before her. Ground line.


Gem: 191, Head of Athena with Corinthian helmet.


Gem: 17, Head of Athena, a satyr mask on her helmet.


Gem: 289, Three-quarter head of Medusa, wings and snakes in hair and at neck, a winged caduceus before her.


Gem: 501, Fragment: head of Medusa in profile, wings in hair.


Gem: 181, Frontal Medusa head with wings and snakes in hair and at neck.


Gem: 502, Head of Medusa in profile, wings and snakes in hair.


Gem: 361, Head of Medusa in high relief.


Gem: 503, Head of Medusa in profile, wings and snakes in hair.


Gem: 505, Frontal head of Medusa, wings in hair.

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