Paoletti Impressions
Box 35
MS catalogue - 'Estratte da gemme incise scelte dalla collezione di Bartolommeo Paoletti e Pietro figlio' (from 3000+ soggetti) address Pa. di Spagna 49
Nest of 5 wooden trays (120 casts), Paoletti, numbered, mounted white plaster gems almost entirely modern (neo-classical subjects) mostly reproducing ancient sculptures but incl. Canova & Thorvaldsen on lid indecipherable MS, owner's name/address?
Box 55
MS catalogue, Bart. Paoletti e Pietro figlio, Piazza di Spagna 49 - larger & more carefully described selection than 35. Nest of 6 wood trays+ lid (lid does not fit - from different box) (300 casts) numbered, mounted modern gems (neo-class.) subjects arranged by museums/collections of ancient statuary, also Canova & Thorvaldsen